Customer Service

Customer Service

These surveys focus on customer service and service delivery options

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Mobile DMV Units

33 responses

Does your state provide driver’s license issuances outside of the traditional brick and mortar locations (mobile driver’s license office)?

Yes: 14
No: 19

DMV Operations

31 responses

Do you accept appointments?

Yes: 27
No: 3

Depends on the county and the services provided: 1

What is the average length of a transaction?

10 minutes or less: 8
15 minutes or less: 17
20 minutes or less: 4
Other/varies based upon type of transaction: 2

If you do take appointments, select the length of time your appointment dates are scheduled out?

0-5 days: 4
6-12 days: 3
13-20 days: 2
30+ days: 11
Other: 9
N/A: 2

Contact Center Working Group: Models Survey

35 responses

How are you set up to service your customers in your Contact/Call Center? Choose all that apply.

Omni-channel: 5
Multi-channel: 16
Voice only: 14
Other: 5

How do you staff your Contact/Call Center? Choose all that apply.

Internal resources: 31
Outsource: 6
Other agencies: 1
Other: 2

Self-service Kiosk

32 responses

Do you currently have Self-Service Kiosks available to your customers in branch offices/facilities?

Yes: 5
No: 27

Customer Service Training

28 responses

Does your jurisdiction provide customer service training to licensing representatives after they have been fully trained and certified?

Yes: 23
No: 5

Online Services

39 responses

Does your DMV provide options for customers to complete the following transactions online?

Driver’s License Renewal: 30
Driver’s License Duplicate, Non-Commercial: 22
Driver’s License Duplicate, Commercial: 10
Driver’s License Record Request: 28
Vehicle Registration Original: 3
Vehicle Registration Renewal: 28
Vehicle Registration Duplicate: 17
Vehicle Title Duplicate: 7
Insurance Reinstatement Fee Payment: 19
Planned Non-Operation: 2
Insurance Update: 7
Affidavit of Non-Use: 3
Vehicle Registration Record Request: 9
Commercial Trip Permit: 9
Change of Address: 25
Replacement Vehicle Registration Sticker: 10
Other: 14

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