From Sleepless Nights to Seamless Solutions: Enhancing Agency Agility

From Sleepless Nights to Seamless Solutions: Enhancing Agency Agility

Discover how the Montana MVD and Oregon DMV transformed their operations with innovative tech solutions.

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If you’re losing sleep worrying about deadlines and demands, you’re not alone. The good news is that certain technology investments can help your agency respond quickly when new problems arise—letting you rest easy. Here’s how two agencies did it.


When Montana’s Attorney General traveled around the state, he heard the same refrain over and over: Fix the MVD. Customers were fed up with long waits and lines. Between August 2022 and November 2023, MVD worked with Fast Enterprises (FAST) to launch a new driver services system. To avoid lengthy delays or additional charges down the road, the agency purposefully chose a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system that had already been successfully implemented in several other states. The system is highly configurable and flexible, enabling swift, efficient changes.

By putting customers in the driver’s seat, MVD staff now have more time to focus on other activities. They’re currently implementing the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System’s (NMVTIS) RESTful services to strengthen protections against fraud and unsafe vehicles. MVD will launch RESTful in March 2025, leveraging FAST’s experience of implementing the services in other states such as Utah.

MVD is also implementing mobile driver licenses (mDL) to comply with a state mandate. FAST’s successful mDL implementations in Colorado, Georgia, and Maryland provide a proven foundation that will enable MVD to launch ahead of the state’s deadline.


In Oregon, the COVID-19 pandemic, historic wildfires, and a major ice storm led to office closures, mass cancellations, and new customer demands. Agency leaders realized they needed to fortify operations while increasing efficiency and accessibility.

Rather than seeking an external solution, the DMV leveraged its existing technology to launch a modern, mobile-based scheduling and queuing platform in just five months. Customers can view wait times, make or change appointments, and access services online 24/7 from any device. The system also integrates with multilingual self-service kiosks for touchless, private check-in.

With the new system, the DMV is ready for anything. In the event of an emergency, the agency can mass-cancel appointments and allow prioritized rescheduling via text. Since the system automates and optimizes booking and lobby management, staff can serve customers more efficiently. Best of all, the DMV completed the launch 11 months ahead of schedule, allowing leaders to achieve customer service, accessibility, and security goals in one fell swoop.

For Montana, Oregon, and any agency that chooses a configurable, robust platform, these changes represent just the tip of the iceberg. To meet future challenges, you don’t need a new product or service—you need a platform that can continuously evolve to meet your needs. To get started, contact me at or visit

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