Future Transactions

Future Transactions

West Virginia DMV partners with Celtic Systems on innovative cash register system

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The West Virginia DMV’s (WVDMV) original cash register system was implemented in the mid-1980s and was starting to reach the end of its useful life. In an effort to modernize, WVDMV sought a cost-effective solution to consolidate cash management, financial reporting and inventory management all into one system. After partnering with Celtic Systems, WVDMV successfully implemented dmvFIRST.


dmvFirst provides a user-friendly interface that is able to accept, calculate and automatically distribute fees into multiple accounts. This allows WVDMV to fund its multiple programs without the need for human involvement to transfer funds between accounts, decreasing both transaction time and the chance of error. dmvFIRST is more intuitive than the previous system, and it has resulted in “quicker service times, easier transaction processing for the employees, and shortened wait times for the customer,” says Linda Ellis, Deputy Commissioner, West Virginia DMV.

dmvFIRST is also used as an inventory management system. Supplies are requested at multiple satellite locations, then fulfilled by the central warehouse, and inventory is automatically reduced at the point-of-sale. This allows for more granular and accurate inventory reporting and tracking than ever before, says Ellis.

“Many of the inventory and financial reports that were previously generated manually have been converted to a completely automated process, allowing management more time to focus on the employees and the customers,” she adds.


During the discovery phase, Celtic Systems brought its entire transportation services solution to the table. They focused on business procedures—how WVDMV serves its customers, and how it wants to serve customers going forward—and offered suggestions on how to enhance business practices and improve customer service through their products.

“We knew which pieces of our solution would work after having discussions about requirements and figuring out what their biggest pain points were,” says Joe McCormick, President and CEO of Celtic Systems. “That’s where things really started to gel as far as the partnership goes, where the trusted relationship began.”

The partnership proved successful throughout the implementation process and no major challenges or surprises took place. WVDMV attributes this to Celtic’s solid implementation plan, training services, thorough testing and ongoing support. “Celtic Systems brought in a team of employees the weekend before implementation for on-site support, continuing that assistance for three weeks,” says Ellis. “Since implementation, they have been quick to address any issues, make changes required by annual legislative updates and provide continued support for dmvFIRST.”

On the flip side, Celtic Systems thanks WVDMV’s strong management team for their support during the process, which was key to getting things accomplished. “Upper management, from the get-go, was engaged and committed,” says McCormick. “All of the great help we had contributed toward moving ahead and being successful. They had the vision, and we were able to meet that vision and more.”

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