Hello, I Must Be Going

Hello, I Must Be Going

Words of wisdom from the outgoing and incoming chairs

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Kurt Myers

2017-2018 AAMVA Chair of the Board

Well, they say time flies when you’re having fun, and for me, the last year truly flew by. I must admit when I first saw my travel schedule, it was a little overwhelming, considering I still had a day job to focus on. With the help and support of a lot of good people at PennDOT and AAMVA, I was able to perform both roles. I truly want to thank those who made my serving as chair possible.

AAMVA is a wonderful organization and we should all be very proud of the staff and the good work they do every day in support of the members. Of course, the volunteers who serve on committees, working groups and regional and international boards are critical to our success. It is that partnership between members and staff, focused on a common vision of “Safe Drivers, Safe Vehicles, Secure Identities, Saving Lives” which makes this organization so special.

Because of our focused vision, AAMVA is a recognized leader not only in North America, but across the world. As Chair, I hope my efforts helped serve the needs of AAMVA staff and our volunteers. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.


Rhonda Lahm

2018-2019 AAMVA Chair of the Board

You’ve probably heard the saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The tools we use to do our jobs continue to develop with the emergence of new technology. The types of services we deliver and the needs of our customers continue to grow. Laws and regulations evolve and become more complex. Fraud schemes become more complicated. Vehicles are well on their way to becoming autonomous, and possibly even flying. The list will continue to expand with advances impacting law enforcement and the motor vehicle industry in ways we have not even conceived.

However, there is one thing that has not, and does not change: the commitment of motor vehicle and law enforcement agencies to provide quality service to our customers. The expectations of our customers increase as the quality and speed of service they receive in other realms of their lives improves. As I step into the role as chair of the AAMVA Board of Directors, it is exciting to see how jurisdictions are adapting and continuing to meet these expectations. We must continue to be ready, willing and able to rise to the challenge. AAMVA plays an integral role in supporting jurisdictions to do just that by providing comprehensive resources to assist with this important task. The solution to a problem, an innovative way to provide services, data from other states, suggestions for legislation and best practice documents are all available at your fingertips through the resources provided by AAMVA.

It’s easy to get caught up in trying to keep pace with all of the change. Our challenge will continue to be, in the midst of these changes, to maintain the priority of providing excellent service to our customers.

Thank you for allowing me the honor to serve as chair. There is much to be done and I look forward to what we can accomplish together.

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