Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Recent data related to AAMVA’s Leadership Academy

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Leadership development is an important part of organizational health. Organizations explore new ways to enhance the work experience, identify future leaders, improve employee retention and create effective succession plans.

AAMVA’s Leadership Academy was created in 2014 at the request of members to fulfill an identified need to assist with leadership development and succession planning within the AAMVA community. This annual program provides an opportunity for one representative from 20 different jurisdictions to share in a highly interactive learning experience that is unique to the AAMVA community.

Participants are asked to complete an evaluation survey after each Academy, and AAMVA uses this feedback to make changes to the topics covered and the trainers providing the sessions. All Academy evaluations can be found in our online survey tool. Simply type the word “Leadership” into the survey search field: aamva.org/surveys/surveyuser/searchsurveyresponses.

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