Now Boarding: REAL ID

Missouri establishes new driver license office at airport to provide REAL IDs

Cutting Red Tape

Best practices for license suspension reviewed to address burden of “driving while poor”

Rough Roads

It’s all about the driver—and your influence

Modernization Benefits Everyone

Minnesota DPS and FAST Enterprises partner to upgrade services

Online Services

Here are the most recent surveys related to online services

A Digital Future

DMV business should continue to include virtual offerings after pandemic ends

True DeTECHtives

Law enforcement agencies are using new technologies to better meet the needs of their departments and the people they serve

Q&A with Alex Otte

New Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) National President shares the story of how she first became involved with the organization and her goals for her term

What Lies Ahead

AAMVA partners with industry experts to detail where DMV operations are headed in the future

An Intelligent Solution

How DMVs are using artificial intelligence to improve service