An Updated Roadmap

New Guidance for Titles and Registration Now Available in AAMVA’s NMVTIS Best Practice Guide, 5th Edition

Q&A With Colonel Melissa A. Zebley

Delaware State Police, Retired

Q&A With Firoz Mohamed

Director, Motor Vehicles, Consumer and Registry Services, Service Alberta, Canada

Making Change for Good

Innovation and technology drive enhanced security and safety

Saving Lives One DMV at a Time

Recognizing lifesaving work during DMV Appreciation Month

Passing the Baton

Spencer R. Moore signs off as AAMVA chair of the board and Eric Jorgensen steps into the role

Leadership Development

Recent data related to AAMVA’s Leadership Academy

Q&A With Eric Jorgensen

Q&A With Eric Jorgensen, Motor Vehicle Division Director, Arizona Department of Transportation, and incoming AAMVA Chair of the Board

Guiding Lights

How mentoring relationships build strong leadership pipelines in motor vehicle agencies

Waiting, Made Well

When the Nevada DMV needed a solution to its long lines and no-shows, it found an online booking platform that helped make both a thing of the past