We CARE About Customers

Iowa DOT’s Motor Vehicle Division wins AAMVA’s Trailblazer Award for CARE training


Leading the Way

How AAMVA’s leaders are moving us forward

Electronic Transition

How AAMVA’s electronic titling toolkit can pave the way for jurisdictions

No Free Parking

AAMVA’s recent best practices guide update aims to reduce fraud associated with disability parking placards and license plates

Hire Power

Jurisdictions are reassessing their strategies for recruiting and retaining employees for the long term

Participants in action during AAMVA's Leadership Academy

A Lasting Impact on Leadership

Reflections from AAMVA’s Leadership Academy graduates

Toe the Line

As chair for only a brief time, much has already been accomplished

Out With the Old

We asked three experts for their take on when it’s time to sunset technology and embrace the new infrastructure

Behind the Wheel

Q&A with Chief John Batiste