Obstacles Become Opportunities

Obstacles Become Opportunities

Working together will help advance the industry

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AAMVA provides an excellent opportunity for its members and jurisdictions to come together for engaging conversation and collaboration. It’s the diversity among our board members, the leadership throughout our committees and working groups, our public and private sector members and the AAMVA staff that makes us successful.

As you work to solve the challenges within your own jurisdictions, no matter what issue you might encounter, you’ll likely find someone who has experienced it before. From geographic and regional issues to the critical policy decisions we grapple with on a daily basis related to safety and secure identities, many of the challenges we face are the same.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it many obstacles—those we expected and those we did not. Some of those obstacles created opportunities, such as greater operational efficiency and increased availability of online services. Yet, some of those challenges also came with additional difficulties.

One of the unforeseen effects of the pandemic was on cybersecurity and an increase in online fraud. Many of us experienced text message phishing scams that led to fake motor vehicle agency websites, which prompted us to look for other ways to protect our customers.

It continues to be important to meet our customers where they are and provide services in the ways they want. With online services becoming more and more popular, increasingly more data is shared with us electronically. And, as new and exciting technology emerges, like mobile driver’s licenses, we must continue to focus on ways to keep our customers’ data secure.

It is truly an exciting time in the motor vehicle industry as technology provides new opportunities for breaking down barriers. As government and private sector leaders, it is critical that we reflect and embrace our diverse customers and their cultures. We must always be thinking about the solutions we develop to ensure they are inclusive and provide equal access.

In order to serve our customers in the best manner possible, it is essential to also focus on diversity in the workforce. To foster creativity and innovation, we must recruit and retain the best employees.

AAMVA is working to harness this global movement to ensure that our entire membership can learn from one another, work together and embrace best practices—not just within North America, but across the world.

There always will be more work to do and room for improvement. By listening to one another and working together, we can ensure all voices are heard and challenge ourselves to continue to grow and lead.

– Chrissy Nizer

2021–2022 AAMVA Chair of the Board

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