Breaking Records

Breaking Records

This year’s Annual International Conference had the highest attendance to date

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AAMVA’s 2023 Annual International Conference (AIC), September 26-28, in Madison, Wisconsin, was a huge success. AAMVA’s immediate past Chair of the Board, Kristina Boardman, and the Wisconsin DOT welcomed over 1,100 attendees to beautiful Madison for three days of engaging sessions and fun events. Our record-breaking crowd was so enthusiastic and excited to see one another, to learn and to share information and resources. From lessons on the State-to-State Verification Service, to Cyber Identity Fraud, to the Ten Commandments of Customer Satisfaction, this year’s AIC provided a wealth of information for attendees to take back home.

Along with learning opportunities, the conference provided the chance to network and consult with peers, with events like the Jurisdiction Roundtables, Chair’s Welcome Reception Tailgate Party and QuickConnect. Attendees also had the unique opportunity to experience Immersive Learning Experiences at locations around Madison including learning about the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Monona Terrace, touring the University of Wisconsin’s Camp Randall to learn about security and law enforcement logistics at the venue, visiting the University of Wisconsin Engineering and Transportation Simulators, touring the Madison West Wisconsin DMV Service Center and touring the Wisconsin State Capitol building.

Throughout the conference, we raised $14,196 for Prairie Music & Arts. Founded in 1999, Prairie Music & Arts is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community school of the arts offering quality education and opportunities to people of all ages. Prairie Music & Arts’ goal is to foster musical and artistic exploration that leads to self-confidence and creativity. They believe that the arts should be readily available to all regardless of income or background. In addition to offering annual financial assistance to students in need, Prairie Music & Arts partners with local schools and community youth organizations—making the arts equitable and accessible. Thank you for all of your generosity and hard work to make this fundraiser successful!

The 2023 AIC also saw the outstanding work of our members recognized at the Awards Luncheon, including recognizing our Lifetime Achievement in Highway Safety Award winners, Larry Boivin from the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Retired Colonel Richard Fambro of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The conference finally concluded with the Wisconsin State Banquet and the swearing in of our new International Board of Directors, including Chair of the Board Spencer R. Moore, who invited everyone to Atlanta, Georgia, for the 2024 AIC. As outgoing Chair Boardman said of AIC in her remarks at the Wisconsin State Banquet, “It feels good when you find your people. People who care about public service, the employees who are offering those services, and finding new ways to innovate and continually improve.”

View our 2023 AIC Flickr album for pictures from the event or watch the wrap-up video on YouTube. Presentations are available for download on our website (available for AAMVA members only). Thank you to all conference staff, sponsors, exhibitors and attendees for making this conference a success. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s AIC in Atlanta, Georgia!

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