Smooth Operators

AAMVA’s Automated Vehicle Subcommittee updates guidance

Frame of Mind

Empower colleagues, stay positive

Honor in Service

DMV employees and traffic safety law enforcement officers are frontline heroes

The Test Policy

AAMVA has released a new set of guidelines for testing commercial and noncommercial drivers

Real-Time Resolutions

Wisconsin’s Traffic Violation and Registration Program gains efficiencies from going digital

COVID-19 Adaptations

Here are the most recent jurisdiction surveys that address current pandemic challenges

Musings: Summer 2020

How are you communicating with your community and customers in this extraordinary time?

The Road to Testing

Maryland transforms emissions testing stations into COVID-19 testing sites

Crossword – Summer 2020

See if you can solve this issue’s puzzle

Unprecedented Adaptations

Motor vehicle administrations and law enforcement respond to the COVID-19 pandemic